
Our News

Upcoming Trainings (May to August, 2024)
Thu May 30, 2024

Upcoming trainings (May to August, 2024)

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Leadership and Corporate Governance Training for the National coordinating Organization of Farmer Associations Gambia (NACOFAG)
Thu May 23, 2024

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our 5-day training session for the apex body of farmers’ associations on corporate leadership and governance. Recognizing the pivotal role of agriculture in The Gambia and be

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Empowering Healthcare Leadership: SMD Policy Management Group's Successful Training with NHIA Board of Directors
Fri May 17, 2024

SMD Policy Management Group is delighted to share updates from our recent Leadership and Corporate Governance training program conducted with the board of Directors of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA).

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Validation workshop - Youth Skills and Training Needs Assessment in Banjul: Mapping Demand and Volunteering Interest.
Fri Apr 19, 2024

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The Gambia Office contracted SMD Policy Management Group to conduct an assignment on youth skills and training needs assessment in Banjul.

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After a successful benchmarking expedition to Rwanda and Namibia, SMD facilitated a two-day SWOT workshop to present the study tour report and share lessons learned and best practices observed from the tour.
Thu Apr 04, 2024

After a successful benchmarking expedition to Rwanda and Namibia, SMD facilitated a two-day SWOT workshop to present the study tour report and share lessons learned and best practices observed from the tour.

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Our recently concluded study tour coordinated with the National Roads Authority led to visits by the key institutions steering the commendable work in road networks and urban planning in Rwanda and Namibia. Both countries were strategically chosen ba
Thu Apr 04, 2024

Our recently concluded study tour coordinated with the National Roads Authority led to visits by the key institutions steering the commendable work in road networks and urban planning in Rwanda and Namibia. Both countries were strategically chosen ba

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Training for NACOFAG Technical Secretariat, Field officers and Managers.
Mon Mar 25, 2024

Thu Mar 14, 2024

SMD Policy Management group successfully concluded the development of a 5-Year Strategic Plan for the Gambia National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC). 
The assignment focused on developing a well-crafted and robu

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SMD UP-COMING TRAININGS (April - July 2024).
Thu Mar 07, 2024

SMD UP-COMING TRAININGS (April - July 2024).

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*SMD Policy Management Group’s Upcoming Training Workshops on: The Gambia Public Procurement Act 2022 and its Regulations 2023 - Sensitization and Training of Key Stakeholders*
Mon Jan 15, 2024

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SMD UP-COMING TRAININGS (January - May 2024).
Wed Jan 10, 2024

SMD Policy Management Up-Coming Trainings (January - May 2024).

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5 Days Training on Development of A 4-Year Strategic Plan for The Ministry of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs (MoLRGRA), of The Republic of The Gambia (04 - 08 December 2023).
Tue Dec 12, 2023

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5 Days Training on Development of A 4-Year Strategic Plan for The Ministry of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs (MoLRGRA), of The Republic of The Gambia (04 - 08 December 2023).
Tue Dec 12, 2023

5 Days Training on Development of A 4-Year Strategic P

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Wed Dec 06, 2023

Register to SMD Policy Management Group 2024 Trainings.

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Enterprise Risk Management Training (November 27th - 01st December 2023)
Fri Dec 08, 2023

A successful Enterprise Risk Management Training (November 27th - 01st December 2023)

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Enterprise Risk Management
Thu Sep 14, 2023


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Strategic Communication
Thu Sep 14, 2023


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Up-coming Trainings
Fri Sep 08, 2023

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Capacity Building & Development of a Guide on Public Procurement Rules and Processes for Women-Owned Businesses, Women-Led Businesses, and Business Support organizations
Wed Aug 16, 2023


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SMD up-coming trainings
Mon May 08, 2023

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Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships
Mon Jun 12, 2023

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The New Public Management (NPM)
Mon May 29, 2023

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Advanced Electronic Documents Management System (AEDMS)
Mon May 29, 2023

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Validation Workshop for the Baseline Study of "Rural Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Project" (RICAR)
Wed Mar 29, 2023

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Corporate Governance and Leadership for the Board of Directors of the Social Security & Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC)
Mon Mar 20, 2023

SMD Policy Management Group ( conducted a training on Corporate Governance and Leadership for the Board of Directors of the Social Security & Housing

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Advanced Data Analysis with the use of STATA and other Statistical tools
Mon May 15, 2023

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High Level Workshop on Public Procurement Reforms in Africa: lessons learnt from 20 years of reforms
Mon May 01, 2023

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Strategic Human Resources Management
Mon Apr 24, 2023

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Team Building, Annual Review and Planning Retreat for The ROOTs Project Support Unit (PSU)
Thu Feb 16, 2023

From the 16-18 February 2023, the SMD Policy Management group facilitated an annual retreat for the ROOTS Project Support Unit (PSU). The retreat was held in Dakar, Senegal. It was specifically designed to consolidate teamwork, review the pr

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Entrepreneurship Training
Wed May 11, 2022

SMD Policy Management Group in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – Migration for Development’ (PME) programme, facilitated 10 sessions of training in The Gambia from April 20

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Employability (soft skills) training
Tue Apr 19, 2022

SMD Policy Management Group in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – Migration for Development’ (PME) programme, facilitated 10 sessions of training in The Gambia from April 20

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Project Planning and Management
Mon Jan 23, 2023

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Procurement of Goods and Services for Donor-Funded Projects and Programs
Mon Feb 06, 2023

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SMD Upcoming Trainings
Fri Jan 06, 2023

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Training on Strategic Thinking for Board of Directors and Senior Management of State-Owned Enterprises
Tue Dec 27, 2022

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Training on Procurement for Donor-Funded Projects
Mon Dec 19, 2022

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Results-Based Management: Best Practice Case Studies - National, Sector, Institutional and Program Levels
Mon Jan 23, 2023

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Leadership and Team Building
Mon Jan 16, 2023

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Training on Supply Chain Management and Financial Accounting
Mon Dec 12, 2022

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Training on Electronic Document Management System
Wed Nov 02, 2022

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Mon Oct 03, 2022

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Treasury Management
Mon Sep 05, 2022


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Training on Advanced Public Procurement
Fri Jun 24, 2022


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Tue Jun 14, 2022


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Mon Jun 13, 2022


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ROOTS Team Building Training
Fri May 20, 2022

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Fri Oct 25, 2019

National teams and experts from the Universities were trained as trainers in the use of the guidelines

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Two new additions
Fri Oct 04, 2019

Welcome two new additions to the SMD winning team

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A monitoring tool was developed for the Aid Coordination Directorate of The Gambia
Sat Sep 28, 2019

Aid effectiveness should be a great concern to both recipient countries and their development partners...

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Workshop to develop strategic instruments with a view to realizing Government's vision for THE
Fri Aug 09, 2019

At a time when Governments and their partners are rightfully insisting on "Value For Money" (VFM) and better outcomes of training,

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Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management #Training #Riskmanagement
Fri Aug 09, 2019

SMD Directors of Internal Audit, Finance Managers, Risk Managers meet about 5 internationally

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Valuable lessons learned in implementing PPP projects as well as Performance Contracting
Sun Jun 16, 2019

At SMD we value South-South cooperation and therefore facilitate benchmarking between sister institutions... Senegal's PPP financing

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Aid effectiveness, Public Private Partnerships and Monitoring the Performance
Wed Jun 12, 2019

This week experts discuss Aid effectiveness, Public Private Partnerships and Monitoring the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises

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A capacity building workshop for executives and staff of the Ministry of Trade
Fri Nov 02, 2018

A capacity building workshop was organized by the SMD Policy Management Institute for a one-week period

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Two day strategic planning workshop University of Gaston Berger
Tue Jan 09, 2018

As part of the process of developing the 5-year Strategic Plan (2018-2022) of the University of Gaston Berger, Saint Louis - Senegal, a two day strategic workshop

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Development Strategic Plan 2018-2022 of Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis
Wed Oct 11, 2017

As part of the development Strategic Plan 2018-2022 of Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis, a meeting was held on August 8, 2017 at the UGB in the ACTES Hall of the Rectorate

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External Audit Abuja
Mon Oct 02, 2017

Within the context of Managing for Development Results (MfDR), public investments are subject to regular financial audits as well as reviews

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Public Procurement
Mon Aug 28, 2017

This one-week intensive course gathered senior procurement specialist, procurement manager, procurement directors and

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Mission LOLF Togo 2017
Mon Jul 10, 2017

In order to be in line with the requirements of Organic Law No. 2014-013 of June 27, 2014 (and implementing decrees) relating to the Finance Laws (LOLF)

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Training on Supply Chain Management and Financial Accounting
Mon Dec 12, 2022


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